Michelle's attention to detail makes her a perfect copyeditor. I have hired her more than once now for editing as well as design services that my company fulfills for its clients.
Jennifer Fitzgerald, Mother Spider Publishing
You have put your heart and soul into your manuscript, so don't let grammar, spelling and punctuation hold it back from its full potential. You have read it over a thousand times but an objective and professional editor can still help perfect your writing with suggestions regarding things like flow, consistency, and clarity. I can do all of these things and still allow your voice to shine.
Very few authors are successful without the assistance of a good copyeditor. Spelling and grammar checkers in your software are no substitute. When you read your own work, your eyes skip over things because you are so familiar with the words you wrote. Having a fresh pair of eyes checking it over is invaluable.
Even if you have your aunt or friend who is an English teacher proofread your manuscript, it is a good idea to have it professionally edited. Often someone close to you feels reluctant to be critical, or you may be less inclined to take their non-professional advice.
Readers expect proper writing that has been professionally edited. If they catch grammatical errors that you missed, all of your hard work presenting your information or story becomes degraded. Those mistakes in organization, clarity or sentence structure trip the reader up and distract them from your message.
I can help to improve not only grammar, punctuation, and spelling but the overall formatting, style, and accuracy of your writing. Whether you need minimal proofreading or intensive copyediting, you can count on me to do a professional job. I will return the work to you in Microsoft Word with tracked changes so that you may accept or reject each suggestion. I can help polish your work to a publishable standard.
Michelle was a pleasure to work with. She was flexible, competent, attentive to details, and highly professional in all aspects of her work.
Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., Astrology Essentials, Cosmic Secrets, and Second Degree Reiki
For a free consultation or any questions, please send me an email at michelle@mmwbooks.com

Also Available
- Book cover design
- Interior design and layout
- Bookmarks, One-sheets, or other print design to help promote your book
- Web banner or other graphics for online promotions
Upload service for KDP, IngramSpark, or any printer of your choice.
Photoshop customization of stock imagery for your cover